“Long-Run Determinants of Economic Growth: Putterman and Weil Revisited,” Econ Journal Watch 19(1) March 2022: 85–108. [Slides from my presentation at the 2021 meetings of the Southern Economic Association. A notice from Charles C. Mann.]
“Adam Smith and ‘Market Failure’ Fixers”, Adam Smith Works, February 16, 2022.
“Foreword to Hume’s Manuscript Account of the Extraordinary Affair Between Him and Rousseau” (with Daniel B. Klein and Jacob R. Hall), Econ Journal Watch 18(2) September 2021: 278–285.
“Are So-Called Normative Statements Practically the Same as Suitably Formulated So-Called Positive Statements? Evidence from a Survey of Economics Professors” (with Daniel B. Klein, William L. Davis, and Abigail Devereaux), Cosmos + Taxis 9(1–2) Jan./Feb. 2021: 70–89. [Working-paper version.]
“Product Approvability Recommendations from FDA Advisory Committees: Inconsistently Sought, Indirectly Obtained” (with Joseph V. Gulfo and Asmaa Gamie), Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science 52(6) November 2018: 784–792. [Working-paper version.]
“Fostering Resilience in the Medical Marketplace: A Plan for Reform of Pharmaceutical Regulation” (with Joseph V. Gulfo), Niskanen Center, July 2018.
“Survey Results of Economics Professors on Immigration, Drug, and Pharmaceutical Policies” (with Daniel B. Klein and William L. Davis), Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives (University of Tennessee at Martin) 45(1) Spring/Summer 2018: 118–125. [Working-paper version.]
“In Praise of Chains: How Public Choice Helps Us Understand and Fight Racism” (with Jason Kuznicki), Liberal Currents, July 28, 2017.
“A Cautionary Note on Measuring the Duration of FDA Drug and Device Reviews”, July 2017. [My tweet.]
“How Productive Is the FDA’s Devices Program?” (with Richard Williams and Ethan C. Roberts), Mercatus Center at George Mason University, April 2016.
“How Productive Is the FDA’s Human Drugs Program?” (with Richard Williams and Ethan C. Roberts), Mercatus Center at George Mason University, March 2016.
“The Proper Role of the FDA for the 21st Century” (with Joseph V. Gulfo and Ethan C. Roberts), Mercatus Center at George Mason University, February 2016. [Animated trailer.]
Searching for Justification of the Policy of Pre-Market Approval of Pharmaceuticals, Ph.D. dissertation, George Mason University, May 2015. [A notice from Tyler Cowen.]
“Empirical Research on Large Minimum-Wage Increases: Does It Have a Future?”, May 2014. [My tweet.]
Profiles of Paul Krugman and Amartya Sen in “Ideological Profiles of the Economics Laureates,” Econ Journal Watch 10(3) September 2013: 400–410 and 604–616. [Daniel Klein’s project overview and podcast.]
“America’s ‘Top Economists’ On the Spot: What Explains Their Low Opposition to a Minimum Wage Increase in 2013?”, April 2013. [Related discussions by Kevin W. Glass and Pierre Lemieux.]
“Chartering Super-Special Banks: Firm Formation and the Federal Reserve Act”, November 2012.
“Israel Kirzner on Coordination and Discovery” (with Daniel B. Klein), Journal of Private Enterprise 25(2) Spring 2010: 1–53. [Slides from my presentation at the 2009 meetings of the Association of Private Enterprise Education. Symposium with response essays.] Revised and reprinted as “Owning Up To and Properly Locating Our Looseness: A Critique of Israel Kirzner on Coordination and Discovery” in Klein, Knowledge and Coordination: A Liberal Interpretation (2012, Oxford University Press), 261–304.
“44 Economists Answer Questionnaire on the Pre-Market Approval of Drugs and Devices” (with Daniel B. Klein and Kevin D. Rollins), Econ Journal Watch 7(2) May 2010: 162–173.
“305 Economists Called to Answer Questionnaire on the Pre-Market Approval of Drugs and Devices” (with Daniel B. Klein), Econ Journal Watch 7(1) January 2010: 99–106. [Slides from my presentation at the 2010 meetings of the Association of Private Enterprise Education.]
“Governance As a Strategy in State-of-Nature Games,” Public Choice 141(3–4) December 2009: 481–491. [Ungated copy. Slides from my presentation at the 2007 meetings of the Southern Economic Association. A Twitter thread written by me in 2020. Discussions by Michael Wiebe (2011) and Adam Gurri (2015).]
“Protecting Cultural Monuments Against Terrorism: A Comment” (with Jeremy Horpedahl), Defence and Peace Economics 20(6) December 2009: 509–512. [Ungated copy. Slides from my presentation at the 2008 meetings of the Public Choice Society.]
“Conservative Magazines and the Presumption of Liberty” (with Daniel B. Klein), The Independent Review 14(2) Fall 2009: 289–299.